our ideas


Countless studies have shown that the quality of our relationships is integral to our happiness - and given that we spend one third of our lives at work, it’s not just family and friends who matter. The truth is that we can easily build rapport with our colleagues once we understand the science behind what motivates them or puts them on the defensive - and that we have more control over our interactions than we think.

Quality relationships are integral to our happiness, and we can easily build rapport with others once we understand the science behind what makes them tick.


Try our proven techniques to improve your relationships:

  • Focus on collaborating with colleagues to foster open dialogue and build rapport

  • Take a deliberate, planned approach when resolving disagreements and tensions, and reflect on your own hot buttons before any challenging conversations

  • When helping others problem-solve, “coach, don’t tell” to help them learn for themselves and become better at their jobs

  • Remind yourself of your own hot buttons - what will set you off- before going into a conversation that has you on edge